From my company (AEP)’s Intranet site:
Chance is now officially a happy dog.
Chance, the American bulldog/terrier mix who was found by Cook Nuclear Plant contractor Byron Tate in March, was adopted by a Niles, Mich., resident in late June.
Chance had been severely abused and was emaciated. He had been left for dead when Tate found him.
The local community quickly pulled together to help Chance. In just one day, with Chance’s story passed along via websites, Facebook, email, Twitter and word of mouth, more than $3,000 was raised to pay for his medical expenses.
After surgery to remove his left front leg, medical attention for sores and rehabilitation, he was offered for adoption by the Humane Society of Southwestern Michigan.
According to an article on WNDU-TV’s website, Chance not only has a new owner, but a new canine friend to play with. His new bud, Sadie Star, is also a special needs dog — she was used as a “bait dog” by dog fighters.
“They constantly play, it’s almost like I wish I could borrow about one quarter of their energy,” said owner Don Robinson. “They wear me out watching them, it’s like two kids.
“They give as much as I do and they will always have a happy and loving home for their rest of their lives,” he said.
Here are the original posts, for those of you who didn’t see them the first time.
Nice to see a happy ending!
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!