Category Archives: Human or Doggy Nature

Saturday Survey: What’s a vicious dog?

We recently changed carriers for our home insurance, and since we have so many dogs, we  had to fill out several questionnaires so the insurance company could figure out what type of risk they were taking on. 

In order to answer some of the questions, I had to have the agent send us a copy of the dog laws in Ohio, which set forth definitions for “dangerous dogs” and “vicious dogs”. 

Legalities aside, what do you think – what constitutes a vicious dog?

Continue reading Saturday Survey: What’s a vicious dog?

Will your dog bite the mailman?

You’ve heard the old joke, “Does your dog bite?”  and the answer is, of course, “Does he have teeth?”  The truth is that any dog, given the proper set of circumstances, can and will bite.  

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AMVA), the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) report that small children, the elderly, and Postal Service carriers, in that order are the most frequent victims of dog bites.

May 18 – 24 is National Dog Bite Prevention Week, and the United States Postal Service wants you to know the following.

Continue reading Will your dog bite the mailman?

Tuesday Top Ten: Excuses for not walking your dog

I was writing an article today for this weekend’s edition of Straight Poop, our free e-mail newsletter.  The article was on teaching your dog to walk nicely on a leash, and it got me to thinking about why I never walk my dogs.   Here are my top ten excuses – what are yours?

Continue reading Tuesday Top Ten: Excuses for not walking your dog

Update on Chance, the dog abused in Michigan

chance_dog  I posted yesterday about Chance, a dog found by the side of the road after being horribly abused.  As it turns out, the man who rescued Chance from the side of the road is a contractor for AEP, where I work my day job.  (Byron Tate works at AEP’s Cook Plant.)   The rescue has been given lots of space on our in-house website, and today I found out that another AEP employee saw Chance when she took her own dog to the vet.

Continue reading Update on Chance, the dog abused in Michigan